I just read Chelsea talks smack and seeing as I don’t really have something to blog about, yet, I might just as well let you in on a few secrets. I’m waiting for some good news but won’t blog about it until I’m completely certain. So stay tuned. Shit, I have some very strange trust issues. Anyhow, I wish I only had one really embarrassing moment, but hence, I have quite a few. Fortunately there are some that I don’t remember and planning on keeping it that way. Today I’m going to regale you with those I do remember. Starting at the least embarrassing one.
Grade 12 was my year for the most embarrassing make-out incidents. You know when you’re somewhere you shouldn’t be, the best thing to do is to try and keep as quiet as possible. Nope not me. After partying hard, we went for a night cap at a friends house. His parents were out of town. Me and the one froggie got on quite nicely, so after a really romantic cheesy “We should seize every moment”, he took my hand and led me to one of the bedrooms to kiss in private. Unfortunately this was the parents room, not the place I wanted to be as we were told too stay out of it. Caught in the moment, we started to kiss, I was sitting on top of him and when I went in for a very passionate kiss, I put my hand on the remote. TV on at full blast. I got such a fright I almost fell of the bed. Next thing I do is to frantically try to shut it off, but I keep finding the wrong bloody remote and he’s laughing at me. The best part of this story is, at that stage he was already at Varsity and now he’s in one of the really popular SA bands, just my luck. Make no mistake, 6 years later, he still remembers me. Great stuff.
I also had one where I came out of a room very discretely, not wanting anyone to know what I have been up to, but then gave myself away with my top, being inside out and all.
During Rag one year we had a dress up party, I went as a playboy bunny, armed with a playboy t-shirt, shocking pink stockings with fish nets over it and bunny ears. It was a tequila party where the tequila was cheap as hell. So after having some pre jello shots at the Res, we started drinking tequila. Needless to say, I got very “happy”. Somehow I managed to find myself a yellow ballerina tutu, put it on and started doing plie’s, whilst stroking my bunny ears and asking anyone who would listen if I looked cute. This continued pretty much the rest of the night all over campus. It’s actually surprising that I do remember this specific incident.
Grade 12 was my year for the most embarrassing make-out incidents. You know when you’re somewhere you shouldn’t be, the best thing to do is to try and keep as quiet as possible. Nope not me. After partying hard, we went for a night cap at a friends house. His parents were out of town. Me and the one froggie got on quite nicely, so after a really romantic cheesy “We should seize every moment”, he took my hand and led me to one of the bedrooms to kiss in private. Unfortunately this was the parents room, not the place I wanted to be as we were told too stay out of it. Caught in the moment, we started to kiss, I was sitting on top of him and when I went in for a very passionate kiss, I put my hand on the remote. TV on at full blast. I got such a fright I almost fell of the bed. Next thing I do is to frantically try to shut it off, but I keep finding the wrong bloody remote and he’s laughing at me. The best part of this story is, at that stage he was already at Varsity and now he’s in one of the really popular SA bands, just my luck. Make no mistake, 6 years later, he still remembers me. Great stuff.
I also had one where I came out of a room very discretely, not wanting anyone to know what I have been up to, but then gave myself away with my top, being inside out and all.
During Rag one year we had a dress up party, I went as a playboy bunny, armed with a playboy t-shirt, shocking pink stockings with fish nets over it and bunny ears. It was a tequila party where the tequila was cheap as hell. So after having some pre jello shots at the Res, we started drinking tequila. Needless to say, I got very “happy”. Somehow I managed to find myself a yellow ballerina tutu, put it on and started doing plie’s, whilst stroking my bunny ears and asking anyone who would listen if I looked cute. This continued pretty much the rest of the night all over campus. It’s actually surprising that I do remember this specific incident.
Once upon a time there was this KFC ad, with the girl buying an ice cream and then getting into the back seat of her car instead of the drivers seat. The catch phrase being “Feel like a kid again”. I truly wish that could have happened to me. I went to McDonalds to buy myself a well deserved McFlurry, with the whole campus in the mood for Mickey D’s, I decided it’s best to skip the drive thru and just go in. In I went, got my McFlurry, got back into the car and wondered who had moved my seat cause I can’t reach the petrol, then I looked at the radio and realized that it’s not quite the same as mine, the thing that really surprised me was how neat my car was. Then it hit me, holy crap this is NOT my car. By some total freak of nature, I managed to use my key to open the door of someone else’s car. Fortunately I didn’t get faced with some hysterical kid with a more hysterical mom thinking that I’m the newest serial McFlurry Kid kidnapper. Lucky me. I then got out, praying that no one saw me, especially not the owner of the car and went looking for my car.
Last but not least. I went to a wedding, with a really nice, but wide dress on. I was the perfect weather for a Marilyn Monroe incident. Which probably would have been okay if I hadn't been wearing one of those really ugly grandma, tummy controlling panties. My date couldn't see anything, phew! But then one of the older men walked by and told me; "Yes my dear, the wind is blowing."
So there you have it, please do share as well…
Those are quite some embarrassing moments. Myself...I plead the fifth ....besides any embarrassing moments I had I completely forgot...on purpose! lol..
Yes, seems like I'm quite the pro at embarrassment, at least it can't get any worse, I hope. lol. Think you've got it down, better to forget them on pupose!
Those were some good embarrassing stories... I have quite a few myself. I blame them on the blonde gene. I'm not blonde, but I have several blonde moments, and it seems to run in the family.
I'm a brunette, but damn could have also been blond. I also have those blond genes!(No offense to blonds, but it is a stigma) Last night I randomly remembered another one, luckily it didn't pop into my head while I was blogging, that one I really think I should keep to myself! lol. At least were not alone in this embarrassment thing! lol
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