It was raining all the way, so it was misty and so, so beautiful. If you’re ever in Graaf-Reinet, you have to stop and have a look at the Church in the middle of the town, it’s gorgeous. Also go & have a beer at the hotel, it has this kind off colonial feel about it. We sat outside looking at the mountains, drinking our ice cold beers and played poker. I wasn’t really in the mood for poker but kicked Socialite & Dee’s butts both times we played, what can I say, if your good your good!
Next stop was the mall in George, we spent an whole hour looking for the damn thing. George is a smallish town, and we couldn’t find the big mall, go figure. We we’re all on our cell phones trying to get directions from people that know the town. Eventually found it, and in the first ten minutes I managed to break my shoe. I don’t like being bare feet so I decided best way to handle this crisis is to drag my foot behind me, I looked like I had a limp, but didn’t bother me that much, at least I had shoes on.
We drove through misty mountains, finally reached our destination for the day. We were at my grandparent’s beach house; I have great childhood memories there and felt I that have come home. Went down to the beach, joked around and just walked while the sun was setting. Ate pasta and drank red wine and then did our nails for the wedding. With all the red wine we had to do it a couple of times before it finally came out right.
Next day we went on a wine tasting before the wedding and then picked our own grapes in one of the vineyards. They give you a box and then you pay per kilo. At one stage we realized that everyone was moving closer to where we were. We were extremely loud and cracking ourselves up over everything. The nice grapes were on top, so the Socialite got on all fours, Dee climbed onto her back & I was holding the box. We felt like celebrities, cause everyone in the vineyard was taking photo’s. Keeping in mind that it was after our second wine tasting, this was quite normal behavior.
We we’re almost late for the wedding. Misjudged the distance we had to drive on a wet dirt road but luckily made it. The venue was gorgeous and there was so much food! Cheeses, figs and homemade bread we’re served while we waited for the bride. I was sitting at the single’s table as usual. I was quite surprised to see who was sitting at the table. I knew how the table originally looked like, but the Confidant who was one of the brides maids had changed it the night before. Knowing about my crush on Oliver Twist, she moved him to our table. I was ecstatic, but kept my pose. He asked me for the first dance of the night and it was great. The sea breeze & mountains intoxicated me even more and I was partying like it was 1999. Everyone was dancing in a circle, with me dancing in the centre most of the time. Thank heavens they didn’t play that song “shake that ass” cause I would have taken centre stage and shaked my booty for all it’s worth. Around 12 someone told me that it was last round at the bar, so I bought myself I think 3 drinks. After another half an hour someone told me the bar is closing. I went into panic mode, grabbed a hat and started a fundraiser to bribe the barman to keep the bar open. Luckily he said we didn’t have to bribe him, so I gave everyone back their money. This makes me feel kinda bad seeing as a little earlier we took a bottle of Jagermeister while they weren’t looking. I had many, many Jagermeister shots that night, also gave Oliver Twist one just before we went to “dress up” the car. Now the rest of the night I’ve already told you. He hasn’t called yet, which makes me kinda nervous but he does have a big exam on Wednesday.
Sunday we reluctantly drove back to the Free State, I was tired a hell not having slept more than two hours the previous night, and also emotional about having kissed Oliver Twist, but then we stopped at my happy place and it felt like everything will be okay. My happy place is a Waterfall in the mountains in Meiringspoort. Even though I have seen it a thousand times before it still takes my breath away. While lying on my back staring up at the waterfall, the mountains and the blue, blue sky, I knew that every single thing of the weekend was worth it.
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