I put on my dancing shoes, unfortunately they weren't my drinking shoes and went out Friday night. It started of very nicely, me and the Confidant's sister, The Animal Lover went out for sushi and polished two bottles of wine. We decided to start a club of about 12 ladies, who gather once a month and just chat and have fun. We're gonna make up the rules over some more wine another night. I'm supposing that the more wined we get, the better the rules will be. Nudge-nudge, wink-wink. (I just love that Kulula advert with the emergency pool boy!)
After that we joined Paris Hilton for drinks in one of the upper class cocktail bars. The AL had to go home, she was working the next day. I decided not to try and persuade her to stay, wouldn't want her killing Fifi, the dog the next day at work. Fifi carries her owner, an old ladies car keys every where she goes and won't abandon her job for anything, not even Biltong! Wouldn't want the old lady to lose such a wonderful guard dog. Anyway, let me get back to the point. So she left, and I continued with Paris Hilton to every bloody club there was in the street,on STILETTO'S. I can normally go until the very early hours of the morning, just partying away. But the problem was, that these Paris Hilton people were my crowd in High School, they're not my crowd anymore. I feel like a prude when I'm with them, and let me assure you, I'm no prude. There's nothing wrong with being a prude, or not being one. It's just that I honestly like to be with people with more or less the same morals and standards that I have. "Meng jou met die semels en die varke vreet jou op". So after I've spent a decent time hanging out with Paris and her posh, (I promised to see her). I excused myself and went to bed. Had one hell of a babelas the next day. I'm not able to drink those "slet sappies", no Brutal Fruit for me, thank you. They make me feel as if the ANC and COPE is having a meeting in my head. Not nice.
I came to the conclusion that I'm crowdless, for the first time in my life. It's a bit of a scary feeling. I've always had a ton of girl friends to go out with, to the places that we all like and now they all moved, are in serious relationship or getting married. And me, I'm still the ultimate single girl. I should really get myself some new girl friends, it's no fun knowing only Frogs, you have to have someone to discuss them with. And at this stage of my life, Frogs are only there to have some fun with, I need the girls for soul mates. Even after my heart is patched back together, I'll still need the girls to be soul mates too.
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