Friday, December 5, 2008

Almost a Dirty Girl...

Unfortunately this is not dirty in a kinky, interesting kinda way. This is dirty, the bloody municipality cut of the water, kind of dirty.

So I got home yesterday after an extremely hot sunbed session to find that the toilet was not working. This required phoning The Dad, he didn't pick up, so I inspected the toilet all by myself. Usually with the handyman type of things, I phone The Dad and he guides me step by step on how to fix the problem, but not this time. There was no water in, and I thought oh shit, big problem, can't fix this on my own. It took me about an hour to realize that the toilet wasn't the problem but there was no water anywhere in the house. So many, many lights went on for me that second, it almost looked like a disco. I quickly ran over to the neighbours to check if their taps were also dry. Yip, the water had been of from 1 that afternoon and was supposed to come back on at 6pm. When there was still no water at 10pm, my OCD reared it's ugly head. I had to wash my hair. There was absolutely no way that I would go to work with unwashed hair.

Thus began my water gathering expedition. I gathered every last drop of water that was left in the taps, emptied the kettle, and melted all the ice in the fridge. Whola, water to wash my hair! The water came back on at 3:45am with the most horrific gurgling sound. I thought the house was under attack, but just before I went into hiding I realized it must be the water coming back to my rescue. I didn't have to go to work all sweaty after all!

However I have absolutely no regrets about the hair washing expedition. My hair looks great today, better than it has in weeks. Don't know why, but I'll have to find out. Just think, good hair days everyday!

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