Finally, after a year that seemed like it would last forever, my holiday starts TODAY! Yeah! I’ll be going to the coast for the next 3 weeks and I plan to enjoy every single moment of it. Unfortunately I’ll be abandoning my new found passion for a while, I’ll only be signing in occasionally for the next 3 weeks to let you know that I haven’t landed myself into some serious trouble. On holiday I have the tendency to get myself into some rather sticky situations. I never mean to. I am however supposed to be all grown up after this year but we’ll have to see how long that lasts as soon as I smell the ocean! Ocean air is absolutely intoxicating and makes me very creative! But I promise to return with unsober kissing of frogs stories. I know I said that I’m trying to talk to frogs instead of just kissing them, but December holidays don’t count. Oscar Wilde said “I can resist everything but temptation.” Very true! I’m planning on being tempted as well as being a temptation. See my hit list of summer song for further reference.
Today’s hectic, have to run now. There’s a party next door at one of our suppliers. Viva la holiday!
Today’s hectic, have to run now. There’s a party next door at one of our suppliers. Viva la holiday!